Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Finally! It feels like spring today! I slept this morning because I worked last night. But then we spent the entire afternoon and a good part of the evenining outside. We went to the park where all the kids ran around. It was crowded today, but who cares, we all had fun. Our park is split into two parts. One part has large slides and climbing obstacles for the bigger kids. The other part has smaller slides and swings for the little kids. Can you guess which park Emily had the most fun at? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't the smaller one. No, she wanted to run around with the big kids. It didn't matter that some of them were high schoolers. She was not intimidated. Of course I kept a close eye on her. But I have to say, all the kids at the park were well behaved. We flew kites, rode bikes, played football, threw frisbees. Thank God we finally had some nice weather for running around in. And the best part? Everyone couldn't wait to go to sleep tonight. Me too!

1 comment:

D.N.H. said...

sounds like a great day!